Pre-Employment Services Bookkeeping Services Business Consultants
Need help to
Register with NDIS?
Service Provider
NDIS Registration
TLC Secretarial Services is able to assist Service Providers complete the NDIS registration without the stress.
Best of all, you can choose the services we assist your business with.
All Policies & Procedures comes with a day booking on the day of the audit. This ensures TLC Secretarial Services is readily available to attend to any requirements the auditor needs done before the end of day.
Service Provider NDIS Registration Assistance
NDIS Online Registration
Prepare NDIS online registration
Attach documentation
Answer questions.
Book Auditor
Policies & Procedures
Create Policies & Procedures to comply with NDIS requirements
Adjustable for future requirements
Electronic Copy & Paper Copy in Folder
1 Day booked out for Audit
Service Agreement
Create a service agreement for your business
Add additional conditions as required
PDF online forms format
& Registers
Incident Form & Register
Complaint Form & Register
Conflict of Interest Form & Register
Employee Training Register
Risk Register
Employee Contract
Policies and Procedures
for your business,
but don't know where
to start?
Policies & Procedures
TLC Secretarial Services can help you create Policies and Procedures for your Business and/or NDIS registration.
TLC Secretarial Services has created numerous Policies and Procedures and can help you understand what your business needs to be compliant before creating your Policies and Procedure Manual.
Firstly, we need to establish what Policies and Procedures your business requires.
To create your professional looking Policies and Procedures it can take approximately one (1) week, depending on the amount of Policies and Procedures that will be in your manual.
Once your Policies and Procedures Manual is created, we will send a draft copy for your perusal.
How long
it takes
To create your Policies and Procedures Manual we need to collect your information.
The minimum information we need includes:
Business Name
Business Address (If relevant)
Contact Numbers
Email Address
Staff & Positions Titles
Business Logo (JPEG, PDF)
Need a Service Agreement
that you can use on the go
and makes your business
look professional?
Service Agreement
Service Agreements are an essential part of the client / business relationships.
Having a well-established and professional Service Agreement allows a clear structure between the client and the business.
Firstly, we need to establish what your business requires in a Service Agreement.
To create your professional looking Service Agreement it can take up to one (1) week, depending on the size of the Service Agreement.
Once your Service Agreement is created, we will send a draft copy for your perusal.
How long
To create your Service Agreement we need to know about your business and what is essential for both client and business.
Once we understand the requirements for both parties we can create a professional Service Agreement.
If the business has a Service Agreement in place already.
No idea where to start
with creating
your business?
Or how to create a
Business Name,
Logos & Letterhead,
Business Cards,
Business Email Address
or a
Facebook Business Page
Start Up Assistance
Business Name
Check business name availability
Complete online application
Email business name confirmation
* Additional costs involved
Business Cards
Create a business card using your logo
Order cards and receive within 1 week
* Additional costs involved
Business Email Address
Create an email address just for the business
Create automatic email signature with logo and disclosure
* Additional costs may be involved
Logos & Letterhead
Create a logo using preferred images, colours and designs
Create 5cmx5cm business icon
Using logo to create a letterhead and/or accounts letterhead
Locating the most suitable insurances for your business
Advise minimum insurance requirements
* Additional costs involved
Facebook Business Page
Create a business page on Facebook using your logo